Keen to try summer sessions? How important is recovery? You have come to the right spot, read on……
I have this one really hard session that I have only been able to complete 100% to plan, just recently. All runners should have their own goals, and if you are going to achieve these goals to the best of your ability, then you will be at times testing yourself in some of your key workouts. As important as your training sessions are (lets face it – if you don’t do the training, you wont be improving at all) there are other areas of focus required. Lets call these simply products and recovery. Today I wanted to discuss recovery. One of our coaches Lucas, has a saying “Its all about the 1 precent’s” . When it comes to training at your optimal level and achieving your goals, this rings true especially in relation to recovery.
Professional teams have this “Score” system where players are awarded points on a daily basis for the things they do to aid recovery. This may be diet, cross training, supplements, compression and the list goes on. There is a huge emphasis on recovery and how important it is. Ok so maybe we are not all proessional athletes or have access to all the facilities that would potentially aid in the perfect recovery, but we can and all should be paying a certain amount of attention to it.
The more I think about it, the more I am surprised how little in general many runners pay attention to recovery. Going back to my session that I mentioned earlier. I have little doubt that I would have been able to complete this session had I not paid attention to these little “one percents” If I think just about the last week these are some of the recovery techniques I have deployed post session
- Post run ocean swims
- Skins recovery compression worn for all car travel, post hard sessions and sometimes to bed
- Massage
- Isowhey “Refuel and rebuild” and “BCAA” supplements
- Stretching
I also am a believer in measurement! See the time below between approximately 1:00 and 1:20 into my key workout referred to above where I stay on the tough target pace post 8 hills!
That’s why we have added “Run recovery” sessions as a regular offering to the Runlab sessions from Term 1 2016. If you are in Newcastle and doing our upcoming “Summer sessions” then you are lucky because you have the chance to take part in our run recovery session on a Friday morning.
These sessions will be run in various locations and are critical to the runner that wants to optimise their training. The sessions will involve a combination of the below areas of focus with an exciting “Credit” for runners as part of our own recovery points system. Thats right, from term 1 you will get rewarded in credits available for future use if you partake in these classes!
Rolling/Bands/PNF – Mobility
Static Stretching – Flexibility
Hydrotherapy – Recovery
So enough on the Run Recovery Class for now – Here is the detail you need to enter SUMMER SESSIONS. Hurry starts very soon!
Our calendar has a time and type of session to suit you
So it starts Tuesday the 5th January with our Hybrid session. This is closely followed by the Tempo session. In week 1 Join Vlad Shatrov who will show you how to drink on the run which will then be practiced in race conditions during the session!
There are different types of sessions, some people will do all sessions others may focus on one type of session. Its up to you – Choose as many as you want
Prices above – Bookings essential here
Those trying Runlab for the first time or regular Runlabbers are all equally welcome and set to be challenged!