JOIN US FOR TERM 3 2019 – STARTS July 22nd


COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW TO EXPRESS YOUR INTEREST IN JOINING AND IF YOU WANT OUR TEAM TO CONTACT YOU – Otherwise have a read of the FACT sheet just below and head to ENROL on the website to start joining up for your sessions.

Am I good enough to train with Runlab?
Yes, we have sessions that cater to all levels of running. We like to follow the principle that if you are driven and really want to improve, you have come to the right place. We have standards which can be viewed here


When and where are the groups?

We train before and after work most days,  and days can vary to suit your lifestyle – ie 1 week you may choose a Monday session and the next have to train on Wednesday as an example. Also most of our serious runners pickup the “2-3 sessions” a week across various session types

Will I learn to become a faster and better runner?

Absolutely! we’ll not only push and motivate you in the group but we will teach you exercises that will make you more efficient with your running

Our Weekly sessions include:

RUNSTRONG – our 60 minute dynamic functional based gym session – For any runner who wants to prevent injury, return from injury and improve the efficiency of their running. The missing piece to your continued running success

MYTRAILGROUP – To improve and prepare for upcoming events. Guaranteed results. Our 75 minute dynamic interval based running session – running on the trails. For any runner looking to improve, prepare. Guaranteed results following our proven structured sessions (we only run this session in Maroubra this Term – Just wait for the Term 4 launch though) 🙂

MYRUNGROUP – To improve and prepare for upcoming events. Guaranteed results. Our 75 minute dynamic interval based running session – running on the track and ovals. For any runner looking to improve, prepare. Guaranteed results following our proven structured sessions

YOUNG GUNS – To learn sound fundamentals of running form and technique and improve your running. Guaranteed results. Our 60 minute dynamic interval based running session for young runners between 5-13 years of age – running on the track and ovals. For any young runner looking to improve and prepare with a focus on distance running. Guaranteed results following our proven structured sessions

Please submit the form below and we’ll be in touch.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Mob (required)

    Where do you live? (required)

    What session/s would you like to enrol in? MYRUNGROUP, RUNSTRONG, MYTRAILGROUP, YOUNG GUNS? Tell us in the box below