Running in Sydney and Newcastle in January 2017
These 90 minute sessions are Interval based with either a Road or Trail focus! Its the perfect way to not only stay fit and motivated but to also improve and boost your fitness. The timetable and locations of the sessions are below
You can purchase to full block of 4 sessions or attend casually.
If you enter the full block you receive complimentary this Muscle Tank, drawstring bag and waterbottle! If you want your Muscle Tank at the first session you must enter then go here to add your details. Otherwise you will receive your top post summer sessions.
The schedule is
Summer sessions Sydney
- Monday 16th 5:30pm ROAD Domain
- Wednesday 18th 5:30am TRAIL COOGEE
- Monday 23rd 5:30pm ROAD Domain
- Wednesday 25th 5:30am TRAIL COOGEE
Summer sessions Newcastle
- Tuesday 17th 5:30am ROAD LAMBTON
- Thursday 19th 5:30am TRAIL MEREWETHER
- Tuesday 24th 5:30am ROAD LAMBTON
- Friday 27th 5:30pm TRAIL MEREWETHER* Changed to Friday due to Public Holiday Thursday
Anyone else or those doing the sessions casually can also purchase the Muscle TEE for $29, but likewise please go here
Then to enter the sessions please go here and then select Online store/Summer sessions17
Apart from that, enter and we will be in touch closer to the date with more specifics