WELCOME TO RUNCAMP 17! STOP! ….Now continue. As you read through the information about this years Trail preparation camp “RUNCAMP17” Keep this in mind.
- This will improve your knowledge of your own body
- You get to meet and learn from one of the most inspirational and accredited
Ultra Runners of all time - You will train on key sections of UTA and 6Foot Track courses
- You will improve your running and be taught Trail specific technique
- On Friday we will teach you tips on how to pack that you can incorporate
throughout the camp - The 2 “Bolt ons” are strongly recommended for anyone needing to better
understand their hydration needs and/or wanting to train up for an event with
a program designed just for your body - And of course there is us, your Runlab team of coaches and Adam Clarke
from UpnAdam performance coaching - And much more
Hi guys
The news you have been waiting for! The camp registrations are now open, Its especially important if you take up the Lactate Test and program option (Limited to 20 people). So take a read of the attached and we hope to see you join Adam and I as the Head coaches of the camp as well as our amazing coaching team, 48 other participants and some very special guests outlined in the doc.Whilst we have run the Camp here before, this really is another level of not only running AND education. Adam and Myself will spend the 2/3rd December on course finalising all the finer details of the 3 key runs so you get the most out of the camp.
THE COST of the camp including 2 breakfasts and the Saturday afternoon tea, Athlete shirt, pack, access to the seminars, training and accomodation for the 2 nights is $400
ALL the info is here in the RUNNERS GUIDE runcamp-17-runners-guide Suitable for any runner wanting quality run sessions, workshops and more. Dont miss out. Read the info and when ready ENTER HERE creating a profile if new, then selecting online store/Events