Looking for a great race in the heart of Sydney to kick the Winter blues? Do you want to run a PB in Sydney in 2018?

We’re doing a give-away for all our valued RUNLABBERS with FREE entries to Sydney Harbour 5k or Sydney Harbour 10k.

All you have to do is refer 2 friends who want to come and run with us at RUNLAB and you’ll get an entry to the event of your choice.

It’s easy to enter, just complete your details below and the first 10 entriesĀ  will get a FREE entry. First in best dressed so call your mates and let them know that they can come try RUNLAB for FREE because of your referral – Even if you are not one of the first 10 people – dont worry, you will get 25% off for your efforts!

    I'd like to enter:Sydney Harbour 5kSydney Harbour 10k

    Here are my 2 friends that I would like to refer for a FREE pass to try a RUNLAB session