Dear Runners – Ive attached the route SEGMENT on STRAVA below. if you need the file emailed please email asap. It is public though on Strava, so you should be able to download the file- I would recommend checking the route prior. ideally load it onto your watch to run as a ROUTE or use Strava or Similar on your phone/device to be able to refer to on the day if required. Ive put an audio recording below too as a FYI to explain some of the course features.

Start is at Dixon Park


Audio Player

Briefing 6am sharp – add your contact/emergency contact onto the sign in sheet in the morning and sign in and out (especially when you leave/finish so we arent looking for you later)

Bring whatever you need to complete the run. Mandatory items however are a phone and ability to carry 500ml fluids. There are manned aid stations at Dixon park and Reay Park (near the Dudley turnaround). Bring whatever you want to leave at the start/finish like change of clothes/snacks/camping chair etc. You dont have to wait around at the end.

50km runners commence 6:10 and 25km runners commence 6:15. Course will be marked at turns with either pink tape of Black arrows on Yellow background.