Great North Walk 276km FKT (fastest Known Time) 6TH NOVEMBER 2020
I have decided to have a crack at the FKT GNW 276 Newcastle -Sydney (Goal is 35 hrs ) With this adventure I have chosen to partner with HMRI and will be raising money to support the HMRI Medical Clinic
Current record is 39:50 / The Goal is to take off over 3hrs !! It’s a tough challenge to undertake with so much variable terrain, involving a lot of climbing and very technical trails. Having almost 5000m of elevation as well, plus 2 water crossing, where I have to manage to trips using Water Taxis services. All adding to the challenges with managing the logistics, coordinating crew and checkpoints to keep fuelled, hydrated and energised for the many hours on foot. Keeping the body going and at the desired paced required is all part of the adventure.
The adventure begins at 4am from Newcastle and the Goal is to Finish around 3pm on the Saturday 7th November
Firstly, thanks to everyone who has volunteered to be a part of this adventure. To all the people that have helped me train and prepare, have given up their evenings, weekends and time out of their own schedule to make this happen. So many have joined me on the trails and sat down to cover off the plan to best prep for what is ahead and ready to tackle the GNW !
Can’t thank you all enough for your support, belief and generosity, helping me make my dreams a reality. I am incredibly lucky to be surrounded by so many amazing people and it makes me realise how special the Runlab and  Running community really is. We have all had our challenges and all been affected. So let’s do this !!
The mission for the GNW – FKT / 35 hours is going to tough and I’m going to have to stay focus – switched on and controlled, keeping relaxed and breaking it down piece by piece. The plan is to keep efficient continuing to move forward and avoiding all stops. I am not going to want to hang around at the checkpoints. Welcome everyone to come out and support, encourage me, seeing you will no doubt motivate me. The crew are going to make sure all the gear is ready and laid out for me to grab, to be in and out as efficient as possible.
The Pacers – are planned to come in ahead of me so that the crew know how i am travelling and also know what I want and need at each checkpoint. Again the key importance of the crew to be ready and what is required  laid out and ready for the transition in and out as fast as possible.
Using you all for motivation is only going to excited me, see familiar faces smiling and supporting will make a different, we are all in for a long day. The key is to SMILE and of course have fun on this amazing journey. We will all be ready for the ups and downs of what an ultra brings, you never know how we are all going to feel. I maybe in a good mood and or bad 🙂 Will try my best to be as happy and pleasant as possible, I will be short and sharp but that is just to keep the ball rolling and in the zone !! Have music playing and firing everyone up at the checkpoints !!
Details and directions for each of these checkpoints can be found on the GNW 100s website (up until Patonga beach) and the Wild Walks website.Here are the website links for directions :-
A paper copy of all driving directions and maps will be given to each support crew member. Hers is a little history of the Great North Walk as well.
History of the Great North Walk
The original name for the Great North Walk was the ‘Sydney to Hunter Project’. The name ‘the Great North Walk’ was derived from the first road from the Hunter Valley to Sydney, called the ‘Great North Road’. The track began construction in 1987 and was completed less than a year later in early 1988, in time for the bicentennial celebration year. Asian workers from several countries including China, Thailand and Vietnam were hired by the N.S.W. State Government to complete the track by 1988. A small amount of local controversy followed as the Asian labourers won the contract to construct the track over a local landscaping and environmental businesses. Claim was made that the Asians only won the contract because they cost as much as three times less than the local workers.
The company, “Ning-Pow Australia”, who were responsible for providing the labourers for the project, were heavily scrutinized for slow construction and poor treatment of their workers. The track was eventually finished but was of very poor quality. Following the bicentennial year, the N.S.W. State Government handed over maintenance responsibility to each sections respective land owners, mainly N.S.W. National Parks and Wildlife Service and State Forests. Under new responsibility, the track was significantly upgraded to higher quality then that which had been left by the Asian workers. In several places the track had to be re-constructed taking completely different routes, because the original had been so terribly built. Eventually, the track was completed to a decent standard and remains well maintained in most places.
Just Get it Done
There are No limitations, the only limits are the ones you set yourself
Just do it, How bad do you want it
Shut the F*** up and move on, keep moving forward
Keep the ball rolling
Smile, its your choice to do this
Deep in my thoughts are of my family, especially my Dad. The connect with the HMRI is through my Dad, after suffering a few major strokes, he was involved in some early trails that the HMRI Medical Clinic had funded, back in 2014. My Dad is important to me and someone that I look to for motivation when I am hurting or needing a kick up the bum. For my Dad had so much taken from this life, but yet he just keeps going and does his best each day and with each moment. We have had our ups and downs. Caring for my Dad had it’s challenges but I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for his own mindset and attitude, as well as work ethic and passion. All above is such a great tool to have developed, maybe not sharing his same patience and temper though haha.. We are very much alike in a lot of ways..
See you all out there on the 6th November !!!